The Giant Turnip
The classic Slavic folk tale “The Giant Turnip” takes on new life as a tool for bilingual education of deaf and hard of hearing children! Through this story of a grandpa and his family’s quest to pull out the giant turnip, the young reader can achieve early exposure to bilingualism and improve their language and literacy development.
Sketches / Early Stage App Development Art by Alexei Svetlov
• U.S. Project Directors: Alexandra Karamanova and Robert Siebert
• Russia Project Directors: Alla Mallabiu and Zoya Boytseva
• Illustrator: Alexei Svetlov
• Storytellers: Robert Siebert (ASL) and Vera Shamaeva (RSL)
• Video Production: CSD Creative
• Art Production: Melissa Malzkuhn
• In partnership with: Ya Tebya Slyshu:
• Special thanks to Dr. Melissa Herzig and Melissa Malzkuhn of the National Science Foundation Science of Learning Center on Visual Language and Visual Learning at Gallaudet University